For most men, the aroma of an expensive fragrant emanating from a lady’s body is a stimulus that invokes great excitement. For a doctor with allergic rhinitis, it is an inciting stench to his olfactory nerves.
Horny Old Men, Ominous Omen
Some people’s reputation precedes them. And then there are those whose scent precedes them.
The Forbidden Fruit
The petite young lady had a name too complicated to re-spell and too difficult to pronounce verbally. It had all the Xs and Ys of a typical Chinese name translated into han yu ping ying. Her perfume reached the consultation room long before the person wearing it did.
For most men, the aroma of an expensive fragrant emanating from a lady’s body is a stimulus that invokes great excitement. For a doctor with allergic rhinitis, it is an inciting stench to his olfactory nerves.
She took a seat and looked reserved. With a tight blouse that exposed half her bare back and a scanty skirt barely reaching her knees, she was in an outfit more suited for a Saturday night club, except for the fact that she was in a medical clinic on a blistering Monday afternoon. She had no wrinkles upon her face tarred by deliberate heavy make up. Glittering silver-colored, love-shaped earrings dangled liberally from her sides, partially hidden by her loose, wavy hair dyed to a striking blonde. An equally eye-catching necklace with a sapphire stone in its center brings completion to her underlying flamboyant personality.
A middle-aged man with a familiar look joined her in the consultation room soon after.
Unsurprisingly, heavily-accented Mandarin came from her as I took a brief medical history. Her symptoms were typical of a urinary tract infection. Additionally, she had also missed her period by 3 weeks and in a young sexually active lady, it’s pregnancy until proven otherwise. As she exited the room for a urine sample, the familiar-looking Chinese man appeared fidgety as he took a seat too. He was obviously concerned over his partner’s possible pregnancy and hesitated a while before enquiring about clinics that provided abortion services around Kota Kinabalu.
He had been to the clinic before probably a fortnight or two before this. His name was Wong or Tan or Chin or something like that.
He had come to the clinic with his wife and young child not long ago. He did not seem half as concerned back then, preferring to stand indifferently by the corner of the room instead of peering over my shoulders as I was examining his seven-year-old son. His wife was obviously in daily charge of the family, being able to provide a precise medical history and participating more proactively in the on-going consultation.
Her external appearance was a far cry from her husband’s China doll. There were no stunning cosmetics, no heavy metal accessories and no nail varnishing. Her hair was unkempt with scattered crops of grey strands bearing testimony to the unrelenting demands of motherhood. She was plain, simply plain.
The Invasion of Marriage
Illegal immigration is an irritating issue for most nations, but the Malaysian government is perhaps the only one resting complacently on its laurels with little interest to rid the land of people with no right to step foot into the country.
Malaysians are not angry enough over many national issues that adversely affect us individually and as a nation. A certain group of the population may even in fact turn out to be beneficiaries of what others may deem a looming national catastrophe.
The power-crazy UMNO politicians for example, have their saliva drooling at the thought of the massive influx of Muslim Filipinos and Indonesians into Sabah. At a lower hierarchy, horny old men are gleaming with lust at the sight of young, uneducated, unskilled foreign women.
Some say these extramarital affairs are none of our business as they take place between consenting adults. It is true that one party is more than willing to trade their bodies for money and temporary ‘love’ and the other more than stupid to risk contracting sexually transmitted infections for the sake of a short-lived bodily pleasure. Personally, I do not give a damn when horny old men contract multiple infections from their foreign sex slaves. My prime concern is the increasing breakdown of marriages and the long-lasting adverse effects on the mental health of both wife and children.
The invasion of the marriage institution is not limited to any particular race or nationality, although a China doll was used as the case illustration here.
I have had ladies fully veiled except for the face and hands coming in to enquiring about the charges for a dilatation and curettage. They can be foreign Muslim ladies who’ve slept with local men or local women who fell for a non-local Shah Rukh Khan lookalike. They can be little dragon ladies with an elderly Chinese sugar daddy or a desperate local lass who had a one night stand with an unknown male companion.
Marriage infidelity is one thing that affects all communities, albeit in differing degrees. It is also intrinsically linked to unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions or baby dumping.
The pious folks and legalistic extremists in long flowing robes and unsightly goaties can champion all they want the creation of a theocratic state and religious government but the fact remains that the fact remains where there is temptation, there will be fallen souls.
Temptation comes from Satan and also from the UMNO politicians who opened the floodgates to welcome these aliens into the country with no political will to curb their growing numbers. Had the BN government been more serious and sincere in reducing the number of illegals in this country, they would not proliferated and produced the current second generation of illegals who themselves are in the process of giving birth to a third generation.
There is no such lame reason as a coastal border too long and too wide for vigilant monitoring. There is no such acceptable as an outnumbered police force. They had time to detain Raja Petra Kamarudin and Nathaniel Tan and innocent Cheras residents, so what stupid reason do they have not to raid illegal settlements intruding upon the locals’ land and property.
It all boils down to political will.
The BN government has proven itself to be incapable of seeing eye to eye in terms of the citizens’ best interests, and young children and helpless wives wrecked by husband disloyalty are very much Malaysian citizens.
I am not a pro-choice activist in any way but to put it very bluntly, had it not been for the brazen general practitioners and unabashed gynaecologists conducting so-called underground fetal abortions, the population of Malaysia would be easily a hundred million by now with Filipinos, China Chinese, Indonesians and Pakistanis comprising half of this figure by rough estimation. The church and mosques and religious bigots can condemn these doctors and the ‘dirty money’ they earn all they want, but they are the ones preventing Malaysia from having an unprecedented population explosion. In the absence of preventive medicine, a curative approach albeit being tainted with questions of morality and ethics will have to suffice for now.
I just had another patient that left an impression of sorts on me today. At nine years old going on ten, Flora Su Ying (not her real name) came to the clinic with her twenty-year-old Filipino mother. She was only 12 kilograms and severely wasted. Sores and boils were all over her body. Too weak to walk, she must have been ill for a whole year before finally coming to the clinic today complaining of vomiting worms. Her father was a Sabahan Chinese who left faster than one could say ‘jerk’ upon discovering that he had impregnated the gullible Filipino teenager.

There are thousands of children like Flora around. The children’s ward in Hospital Likas is always overflowing with these neglected children.
One can point the finger at many quarters for the current quandary that Sabah and to a similar extent, Malaysia is in. Still, we come back to asking why these foreign people are even in the country in the first place with full freedom to feed, sleep, copulate and breastfeed.
I think the answer is obvious.
Our horny old men are an ominuous omen that Malaysia is headed for ultimate self-destruction, unless of course there is a change of federal leadership.
The way you tell it, the Malaysian story reads like a novel written by the typical Irish author - Samuel Beckett, say, or William Trevor.
Hope for this country seems like vanity, a chasing after the wind.
Please tell me I'm wrong.
this is a sad, true tale and most importantly, something like this has affected someone I know so I can personally testify that these 'dragon ladies' have no qualms about breaking up other people's family.
you have the gift of modern storytelling..
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